Đặt câu với từ "was forbidden to|be forbidden to"

1. She was explicitly forbidden to attend.

2. He was forbidden to talk to her.

3. Prayer was forbidden.

4. He was forbidden to walk into the tabernacle.

5. She was shut away and forbidden to read.

6. She was kicked, beaten, and forbidden to pray.

7. He was expressly forbidden to speak to the girl.

8. To be born with a forbidden sexuality must be agonizing.

9. 1 He was expressly forbidden to speak to the girl.

10. 4 She was expressly forbidden to touch my papers.

11. Sex was always a forbidden topic.

12. In the 1930s he was forbidden to practise his profession.

13. He was forbidden to leave the house, as a punishment.

14. You are all forbidden to leave.

15. The soldiers were forbidden to fraternize.

16. The soldiers were forbidden to fraternise.

17. The forbidden zone was once a paradise.

18. Child labour of children under the age of 16 was forbidden, children under 18 years were forbidden to work in hazardous employment.

19. In the 1930s he was forbidden to practise his profession. Sentencedict.com

20. Women were forbidden to enter the sanctuary.

21. For example, killing a flea was forbidden.

22. I am forbidden.

23. It's forbidden to sell tobacco to children under

24. He was forbidden to leave the house,(Sentencedict.com) as a punishment.

25. 4 The soldiers were forbidden to fraternize.

26. Criminal: contrary to or forbidden by law.

27. The Great Mosque is forbidden to Christians.

28. It is forbidden to smoke at school.

29. 18 He was actually expressly forbidden to speak to me about the matter.

30. Katyn was a forbidden topic in postwar Poland.

31. The Brahmana was forbidden to disclose this incident, and the baby returned to …

32. Ships which can carry over 500 koku are forbidden to be constructed.

33. For safety reasons crowd surfing was also forbidden.

34. As mentioned, it was already forbidden by law to procure an abortion.

35. 19 It's forbidden to sell tobacco to children under

36. 3: Abortion —Why Forbidden?

37. That way is forbidden.

38. This is forbidden area.

39. It is forbidden to smoke in this room.

40. The program '%# ' tried to access a forbidden source

41. 9 The Great Mosque is forbidden to Christians.

42. Along with the notion that their love was forbidden

43. Katara, you knew going on that ship was forbidden.

44. The construction of non-Catholic religious buildings was forbidden.

45. For example, it was forbidden to set a broken limb on the Sabbath.

46. In 19 scrip was forbidden in the United States.

47. Certain federal employees are forbidden to solicit campaign funds.

48. This fish which is cheep but heavily contaminated has been forbidden to be sold.

49. 13 Congress had expressly forbidden sending arms to Iran.

50. Since then, Mount Torment has gained popularity because of the Torment-Forbidden Traverse to neighboring Forbidden Peak, an exposed alpine route.

51. Occult practices forbidden (9-14)

52. I know it is forbidden.

53. It's forbidden to carry weapons in the sacred city.

54. It's strictly forbidden for me to give you food.

55. It is not allowed to approach the forbidden area.

56. Bookmaking is forbidden on campus.

57. It'shall be forbidden to drown or desert infants or commit any kind of infanticide.

58. Under the Taliban Buzkashi was banned, it was considered harem, forbidden

59. 5 The troops were forbidden to fraternize with the enemy.

60. Before long, an issue was raised regarding the forbidden fruit.

61. It was Satan who tempted Eve to sin and eat of the forbidden fruit.

62. Scopes was forbidden to teach Darwin's theory of evolution, but he defied the law.

63. Does this mean that alcohol is absolutely forbidden to Christians?

64. Arousing Your Man By Taking Him to The Forbidden Zone

65. b) The advertising of activities or products forbidden to minors

66. 9 Soldiers were forbidden to fraternize with the local citizen.

67. It is forbidden to turn the forklift at high speed.

68. Women are forbidden within the encampment.

69. Humans eat forbidden and dirty food.

70. Travel abroad was forbidden after 1968 to all but those who were on official business.

71. It is forbidden to dump gravel and trash into navigational lanes.

72. It is forbidden to adjoin to a postcard any sample of merchandise.

73. Miss Wenner, Mr. Alford has forbidden you to talk to His Lordship.

74. It is strictly forbidden to bring any type of firearm to Alert.

75. To ensure their loyalty they were forbidden to learn to read and write

76. And he stole the forbidden ritual, right?

77. The export / exportation of gold is forbidden.

78. The sale of cigarettes/alcohol is forbidden.

79. Dog imports to Iceland were limited and from 1901 even forbidden.

80. And if you don't change your tune, you're going to be forbidden on campus as well.